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Joe Cobb for Roanoke’s next Mayor


  • Bus Icon


    Making getting around Roanoke easy, accessible, and sustainable for everyone.

  • Reading Book Icon


    Providing equitable access to skills, knowledge, and opportunities for every student.

  • Community Safety

    Keeping the Star City a safe place to live, work, and play.

  • Housing

    Affordable, safe, and inclusive housing is essential.

  • Jobs

    Joe is committed to a thriving economy that benefits us all.

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“I believe our greatest calling as human beings is to love one another by honoring and celebrating what makes us unique and by discovering what we can create together.”

Joe Cobb, Vice Mayor, City of Roanoke


Joe’s Recent Endorsements

Only love has the power to transform.

When we start from a place of love – for ourselves, for our neighbors, for our city – we can do anything. We can face our greatest challenges and transform them into possibilities. We can look our most daunting fears in the eyes and transform them into moments of awe. We can sit with our deepest despair and transform it into unbounded hope.

All of this through the power of love.

Transforming our city into all that it and we are meant to be is promising and hopeful, yet also difficult. This transformation will require that we honor one another, show up with one another, and listen deeply to one another. This transformation will also ask us to be present in difficult conversations and stay present especially when we are the most uncomfortable. 

Our ability to transform will be inspired by how we care for our community, connect each other with opportunities for growth, and create transformative solutions in a loving environment. Together, these movements will be the catalyst for change and the measure of our city’s health and wholeness.

As I dream about how our city can continue to be transformed by the power of love, I offer three perspectives reflecting current realities and their possibilities.

Care + Connect + Create = Transforming our City Together

How can we transform our city together?


Support Joe Cobb for Mayor